Station 5

Items you will need:
Something heavy like a couch. Please don’t hurt yourself, but be reminded of the weight carried for you.

Take time to journal your thoughts

Closing prayer:

“Jesus, I can only imagine the awful weight of the cross You carried. It is not just the weight of the beams of wood that pressed down on You. It was the weight of the burdens You carried for those whom You love. You came to offer them life, and yet they return to death. And yet, I remember something you said about taking up my own cross and following You. You said something about becoming a servant of all, putting others first. Please help me to become that kind of servant.”

Stations of the Cross – Station V

Station 5Items you will need:Something heavy like a couch. Please don’t hurt yourself, but be reminded of the weight carried for you.Take time to journal your thoughtsClosing prayer:“Jesus, I can only imagine the awful weight of the cross You carried. It is not just the weight of the beams of wood that pressed down on You. It was the weight of the burdens You carried for those whom You love. You came to offer them life, and yet they return to death. And yet, I remember something you said about taking up my own cross and following You. You said something about becoming a servant of all, putting others first. Please help me to become that kind of servant.”#Stationsofthecross

Posted by Living Christ Church on Friday, April 10, 2020

Station 6

Items you might need:
Dice – take time rolling until you get a certain number, to remind yourself of how they cast lots for Christ’s garments.

Take time to journals about this station

Closing Prayer:

“Jesus, I want to follow You on this journey. But I cannot watch this. I must turn away as You are humiliated. You stand alone as the soldiers strip from You every thing that You possess, and play games to see who will claim it. Please strip me of my garments—pride, control, worry, disbelief, people pleasing and compulsiveness. You know my coverings. I want my identity to be completely rooted in You.”

Stations of the Cross – Station VI

Station 6Items you might need: Dice – take time rolling until you get a certain number, to remind yourself of how they cast lots for Christ’s garments.Take time to journals about this stationClosing Prayer:“Jesus, I want to follow You on this journey. But I cannot watch this. I must turn away as You are humiliated. You stand alone as the soldiers strip from You every thing that You possess, and play games to see who will claim it. Please strip me of my garments—pride, control, worry, disbelief, people pleasing and compulsiveness. You know my coverings. I want my identity to be completely rooted in You.”#stationsofthecross

Posted by Living Christ Church on Friday, April 10, 2020

Station 7

Items you’ll need:
Paper and something to write with

Write out any unconfessed sin and throw it in the trash.

Take time to journal about this station

Closing prayer:
“O Lord, remind me of the deadly cost of sin. Forgive me of those things that are displeasing to You. Forgive me for not allowing You to deal with the darkness that I harbor in the hidden recesses of my heart. Forgive me for fooling myself into believing that I am better than others, and that I don’t need to repent. Forgive me for those things I should have done, but found excuses not to do. O Lord, I thank You for Your righteousness. Transform me by Your grace.”

Stations of the Cross – Station VII

Station 7Items you’ll need:Paper and something to write withWrite out any unconfessed sin and throw it in the trash.Take time to journal about this stationClosing prayer:“O Lord, remind me of the deadly cost of sin. Forgive me of those things that are displeasing to You. Forgive me for not allowing You to deal with the darkness that I harbor in the hidden recesses of my heart. Forgive me for fooling myself into believing that I am better than others, and that I don’t need to repent. Forgive me for those things I should have done, but found excuses not to do. O Lord, I thank You for Your righteousness. Transform me by Your grace.” #stationsofthecross

Posted by Living Christ Church on Friday, April 10, 2020

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